What is Bowenwork?
Rather than focusing on a single complaint, Bowenwork addresses the entire body, by restoring balance via the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS controls over 80% of bodily functions and is very susceptible to external stressors. Most people today live in a constant state of high stress and sympathetic ANS over-stimulation (fight, flight or freeze mode). Healing can occur only after the ANS shifts from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance (rest, relax and repair mode). Bowenwork enables that shift.
During a session, clients usually go into deep relaxation or fall asleep, and loud peristalsis may be heard. Both of these changes indicate a profound release from stress and a shift towards parasympathetic influence which allows the body to heal and return to proper function when it is ready. This shift could explain, in part, the common observation that a Bowenwork session seems to reactivate the recovery process in situations where healing from trauma, sickness or surgery has stalled or reached a plateau.
Bowenwork is non-invasive and gentle and is safe to use on everyone from newborns to the elderly.