What to Expect
Bowenwork is gentle and effective, with substantial relief frequently attained after a few sessions. To restore the body’s own healing process, generally, clients start with three or four consecutive sessions, usually one week apart for optimal results.
Bowenwork balances the physical, mental and emotional planes. Its rejuvenating effect empowers the quality of our lives. Bowenwork makes a positive, healthy impact by providing more energy and an overall sense of well being. The results are long-lasting and profound, generally until there is a re-injury.
Bowenwork’s input to the nervous system is very subtle, and the body responds over time. For that reason, it is necessary to refrain from other modalities (massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, even hot tubs, hot or cold packs, and hot showers) after your Bowenwork session, as this seems to neutralize the changes the body is trying to accomplish. You also want to avoid any heavy exercise on the day of your session and try not to sit longer than 30 minutes at a time.
Before and after your session drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated and help the healing process.